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Level 2: Fatto, detto, visto et al. Italian with ElisaIf you just want basic notions of the Italian language, continue with the next episode of Giulia, Giacomo and their friends (‘A1: Love’) and Spaghetti Aglio e Olio (‘A2: Italian Cuisine’). Then go onto Level 3.
Level 1: Love and Cuisine Italian with ElisaPlease listen to the audio files until you can distinguish every single word! Over time, you will listen 10, 20 or even 50 times until you understand everything. The Word Brain, page 19ff (download the free PDF) explains
Level 6: mi-ti-si | ci-vi-si Italian with ElisaSextets of –ere action words (Group 2)
Level 7: Odds and Ends Italian with ElisaParis, two million in the streets
Level 5: Pensare Italian with ElisaSextets of –are action words (Group 1)
Level 3: Avere Italian with Elisa1. I have, I had, I will have, et al.
Level 4: Essere Italian with ElisaTo acquire the basics of the Italian language, let’s continue with the next episode of Giulia, Giacomo and their friends (‘A1: Love’) and Pasta al Pesto (‘A2: Italian Cuisine’). Download the audio files from www.4elisa.c
Links GigaSardinianActor, artistic director, playwright and radio talk show host. One of his programs, Buongiorno Cagliari, has been on air for the last 10 years.
GigaSardinian A Multimedia Language CourseVuoi imparare il sardo? Allora sei nel posto giusto. Qui di seguito troverai
Level 0: Who are you? Italian with ElisaChi sei? Da dove vieni? Cosa fai qui?
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